Meet and Greet

Hello my lovelies!

I'm Joanna, I'm a scientist by trade and cosmetic addict by nature. I'm from Montreal, Quebec, married to my best friend Alex. We have 2 fur babies, a wild calico cat named Blazer and a spunky yet tiny dog named Dexter.

The Belle Esprit is a little play on the French expression "bel esprit" which means "great wit or intellect", combined with "belle" which we all know means beautiful. The intent is not to attribute any of these descriptions to myself, but to represent the merging of my 2 worlds: science and cosmetics. That's what I'll do here; some posts will take a deep dive into the science behind certain cosmetic products, some will review their performance, some will critically evaluate product claims, and others will just fawn over pretty make up things!

So come along with me, I hope you enjoy and maybe learn a little useful tidbit here and there. Don't be a stranger, engage with me in that comment section!

